Replacements can be defined in JSON files within data/tetra/replacements/
in your datapack, each resource contains an array of replacements.
Replacement definition
Tetra items are typically not crafted as the player would place a piece of equipment (vanilla or modded) in the workbench and modify it, turning it into a tetra item. Replacement definitions determine which type item and which modules an item would initially have when converted into a modular item.
Format:An item predicate matching the item that is to be turned into a modular item. See item predicate: (
The modules that the resulting item should be composed of. The key is a slot on the item, the first item in the array is a module reference and the second item is the module variant.
The improvements that the resulting item should have. The key is split in two parts, "slot:improvement_key", and the value is the improvement level.
"predicate": {
"item": "minecraft:wooden_axe"
"item": "tetra:modular_double",
"modules": {
"double/head_left": [
"double/head_right": [
"double/handle": [
"improvements": {
"double/head_left:hone/efficiency": 1