Stat indicators

Stat indicators are used to show additional information on statbars, but they're handled as separate resources to make it easier to add indicators to existing stat bars. JSON definitions for the indicators are loaded from resources/tetra/stat_indicators/
in a resourcepack (not a datapack!), and they're typically organized into folders depending on the stat bar they belong to.
Stat indicator
Stat indicators are typically small glyphs displayed above stat bars to indicate that something related to the stat is being modified. Indicators present for a stat bar also add to the tooltip of the stat bar.
Format:There's only one type registered in vanilla tetra, but this can be set if some other mod has registered other indicator types.
The localization key for the indicator, the localized value will be used as a header and a body in the tooltip. The key for the body is this key suffixed with ".tooltip". Tetra uses keys like this: 'tetra.stats.sharpness'.
The x coordinate of the glyphs within the texture sheet.
The y coordinate of the glyphs within the texture sheet.
"key": "tetra.stats.sharpness",
"texture": "tetra:textures/gui/glyphs.png",
"textureX": 136,
"textureY": 160,
"stat": {
"type": "tetra:sum",
"stats": [
"type": "tetra:multiply",
"stats": [
"type": "tetra:enchantment",
"enchantment": "minecraft:sharpness"
"factor": 0.5
"offset": 0.5
"tooltip": {
"type": "tetra:default",
"key": "tetra.stats.sharpness.tooltip",
"stats": [
"type": "tetra:sum",
"stats": [
"type": "tetra:multiply",
"stats": [
"type": "tetra:enchantment",
"enchantment": "minecraft:sharpness"
"factor": 0.5
"offset": 0.5
"formatters": [
"type": "tetra:basic",
"format": "single_decimal"